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When can I mow my germinated seed?

Seth Newell

Mowing a green lawn that could have germinated from seed

Germination of seed occurs only when the conditions to do so are right. We do our best to time application with typical seasonal weather patterns that maximize nature's inputs to help us achieve germination. Due to the impacts of weather and climate on seed germination, the schedule below refers to GERMINATION DAYS. Germination days are defined as the date from the first noticeable sprouts of grass have emerged from seed.

Application Day - First Germination (seed visible)

Goal: Protect seed bed and allow applied seed to maintain contact with soil.

Rule of Thumb: Minimize foot and pet traffic where possible.

Mowing: Do not mow during this period

General: Movement of seed is expected at this time, but unwanted. Water inputs will help seeds bond to soil to resist movement. Mowing and foot traffic during this period can and will disrupt germination and can often result in irregular seed distribution.

At First Germination (sprouts visible)

Goal: Allow fragile growth to develop strong roots

Rule of Thumb: Avoid all foot and pet traffic for 2 weeks.

Mowing: Do not mow during this period

General: This stage of growth is critical! The delicate new growth can be easily disturbed and uprooted -- even by walking on it! Its not crazy to consider roping or fencing off areas of new seed growth to prevent delivery drivers, neighbors, and pets from uprooting your fragile new turf.

Germination Day 14 - Germination Day 30

Goal: Allow continued maturation of new growth

Rule of Thumb: Minimize all foot and pet traffic to only what is absolutely necessary.

Mowing: Do not mow during this period (We often joke your new growth should be left alone until you get your first warning from your HOA!)

General: This stage of growth is critical! The delicate new growth can be easily disturbed and uprooted -- even by walking on it! Its not crazy to consider roping or fencing off areas of new seed growth to prevent delivery drivers, neighbors, and pets from uprooting your fragile new turf.

Pro Tip: If areas of your lawn are becoming unruly, use a trimmer to cut the tops off of growth. Cut no more than 1/4 of the leaf blade and avoid areas of fragile new growth. If a mower must be utilize, use the lightest equipment available.

Germination Day 30+

Resume "normal" use and maintenance. If you are on a premium Newell Services Fertilization and Weed Control program, no supplemental fertilization is required. For DIY and those using other service providers a general fertilizer, such as a 13-13-13 can be applied at this time.


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